Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 11, 2014

Today's photos are from Jeff Calton down in Tennessee

Today's photos are from Jeff Calton down in Tennessee . Jeff sent in these photos about 10 days ago. He said, "With most of the herbaceous plants now gone until next spring we have to sometimes search for color and beauty in the garden. There is plenty out there if you look closely. The intensified color, almost perfect geometry of some of the plants, the lacework of frost on the leaves--the winter face of the garden. So...get out there, crawl around, look closely, and put on the "macro glasses." You will be surprised what you find in the garden in

November." Great advice, Jeff. I found myself doing this in my garden last weekend as I took breaks from raking the I-kid-you-not 10 tons of leaves in my yard. A friend was helping me and asked me if I was mad that the Japanese maple was hanging on to its leaves for so long, and that I'd have to do the raking all over again in a couple of weeks. I looked up at the crimson the face shop leaves glowing against the sky and thought, "No, it's worth it for this." The miscanthus blooms, too, are fascinating as they open up and get puffier and fluffier. My Dutchman's pipe has dropped all its massive leaves, but the splayed open  3 concept eyes seed pods are works of pure art. OK,  bb cream the face shop maybe I need to start taking some pictures....Thanks, Jeff, for the reminder to find beauty wherever you can, even if you have to shiver to do it!  thefaceshop
SEND ME PICS OF  3ce YOUR GARDEN, OR A GARDEN YOU'VE VISITED! Email me at Thanks! --Michelle

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